German Navy Press and Information Centre
The Navy‘s media and public affairs department
The German Navy Press and Information Centre (in German Presse- und Informationszentrum Marine, MarKdo PIZ or PIZ M for short) is part of the Navy Command based in Rostock. It consists of four departments, which basically deal with all media and public relations matters of the naval forces of Germany.
There are also two public affairs offices in Wilhelmshaven and Kiel, the heads of which are the contact persons for Operational Flotillas 1 and 2 stationed there. They and the centre itself are available to all media representatives around the clock.
Contact persons for press and media
Bundeswehr/Nico Theska
Commander Christina Routsi
Head of the Press and Information Centre and spokeswoman for the Chief of Navy
Bundeswehr/Steve Back
Press Officer Marcel Nguyen van, M.A.
Contact person for the German Navy in general and matters of the Navy Command
Bundeswehr/Marcel Kröncke
Commander Tim Gabrys
Contact person for questions about formations and units in the Baltic Sea area
Bundeswehr/Leon Rodewald
Commander Janine Pirrwitz
Contact person for questions about informations and units in the north sea
Duty spokesperson
Contact person outside of general office hours (including weekends)
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