Joint Support and Enabling Service
An excavator is driving along a road in use. A soldier stands in front of it.

On Operations

They are in most cases the first ones on site and among the last ones to leave the country of deployment. Whether camp construction, military police, explosives detection dogs, CBRNchemical, biological, radiological, nuclear defense or military postal service – operations are often more about the Joint Support and Enabling Service than supposed. In addition, the latter also provides the …

What does the Joint Support and Enabling Service do on operations?

The Joint Support and Enabling Service is of central significance for Bundeswehr operations and provides more than 20 percent of the personnel employed on operations. Military police personnel, for example, are an integral part of almost every mission including also the areas of operation at sea. If a decision is made in favor of a new mission, the special engineers of the Joint Support and Enabling Service are often tasked with doing initial reconnaissance on site and preparing the setup of a camp. During operations, they are responsible for operating the entire camp and disassembling it at the end of the mission. However, also other areas of logistics such as maintenance, supply, post exchange (a kind of mini supermarket on operations) or military postal service are urgently needed during operations on site. For specific operations, the Joint Support and Enabling Service also provides the asset needed for CBRNchemical, biological, radiological, nuclear defense.

Command and control capabilities for operations

For logistic operations, the Joint Support and Enabling Service is able to provide to NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization a deployable multinational headquarters, the so-called "Joint Logistics Support Group Headquarters" (JLSG HQHeadquarters). Structurally, the latter may be adapted to the prevailing operational requirements.

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