The Federal Republic of Germany Office of Defence Administration, United Kingdom

Service provider for the Bundeswehr

The building of the Federal Republic of Germany Office of Defence Administration, United Kingdom


The Federal Republic of Germany Office of Defence Administration, United Kingdom is headquartered in Harefield. Its job is to ensure the administrative and economic support of all Bundeswehr service members, agencies and other facilities located in the United Kingdom.

In principle, its duties and responsibilities are equal to those of a Bundeswehr service centre. Besides, the Office of Defence Administration represents the Bundeswehr in various legal and administrative matters vis-à-vis Host Nation and NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization authorities. In particular, it provides support to Bundeswehr personnel assigned to MARCOMAllied Maritime Command (Allied Maritime Command) and to the German contingent ARRCAllied Rapid Reaction Corps (Allied Rapid Reaction Corps).

Head of agency and admin office

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