Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services
More than 26,000 civilian and military posts make the major organisational element “Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services” (IUDInfrastruktur, Umweltschutz und Dienstleistungen) the largest civilian organisational element of the Bundeswehr.

We provide comprehensive services for the entire Bundeswehr
Our civilian and military personnel are in charge of the construction and maintenance of Bundeswehr facilities and assume statutory protective tasks such as occupational safety, environmental protection and fire protection for the entire Bundeswehr. The IUDInfrastruktur, Umweltschutz und Dienstleistungen service portfolio also includes catering and travel management. These services are also provided for Bundeswehr personnel serving abroad.
A main focus of our activities is on civilian support for Bundeswehr operations abroad through appropriate action both in Germany and in the theatres. For example, IUDInfrastruktur, Umweltschutz und Dienstleistungen personnel ensure the food supply of service members during operations abroad and contract transportation services to the theatres.
A broad range of tasks
In terms of structure, the major organisational element “Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services” comprises the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services (BAIUDBwBundesamt für Infrastruktur, Umweltschutz und Dienstleistungen der Bundeswehr) based in Bonn, the Bundeswehr Subsistence Office (VpflABwVerpflegungsamt der Bundeswehr) in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, and the Bundeswehr Firefighting and Fire Protection Centre (ZBrdSchBwZentrum Brandschutz der Bundeswehr) located in Sonthofen, Bavaria. Service provision at the regional level is ensured by seven Centres of Expertise for Construction Management and a total of six Bundeswehr Centres of Expertise for Travel Management. The subordinate level of the BAIUDBwBundesamt für Infrastruktur, Umweltschutz und Dienstleistungen der Bundeswehr comprises 42 Bundeswehr Service Centres (BwDLZBundeswehr-Dienstleistungszentrum) located throughout Germany, supporting the various Bundeswehr agencies by providing services "from a single source".
In addition, seven Federal Republic of Germany Offices of Defence Administration abroad (BWVStBundeswehrverwaltungsstelle) – to be precise: in Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States – assume these tasks for personnel serving abroad. And finally, BAIUDBwBundesamt für Infrastruktur, Umweltschutz und Dienstleistungen der Bundeswehr currently operates seven Field Offices of Defence Administration (EinsWVStEinsatzwehrverwaltungsstelle) to support service members deployed on operations.