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GAFGerman Air Force Weapons School

German Air Force Weapons School


The Air Force Weapons School trains key personnel for joint air operations to become weapons instructors.
Weapons instructors are experts in their field and trained to the highest level in integration, tactical leadership and tactical doctrine.
After completing the weapons instructor course (WICWeapons Instructor Course), which lasts several months, the newly trained weapons instructors return to their units to serve as instructors and central points of contact for all tactical issues. Typically, this is followed by flying assignments in major commands and force development units. Only a few of them can return to the Air Force Weapons School as instructors and train new weapons instructors.
Currently, the weapons instructor course (WICWeapons Instructor Course) covers the following personnel: Eurofighter and Tornado mission crews, officers from the tactical air command and control service and military intelligence officers. It is planned to extend this to the field of tactical air lift (TALTactical Air Lift) and to integrate the A400M.
The Weapons School makes a significant contribution to the advancement, verification and documentation of tactics and procedures in the German Air Force.


  • LTC Andreas Neumeister

    Lieutenant Colonel Andreas Neumeister

    LTC Neumeister is the commander of the Weapons School and Typhoon Pilot. He graduated from Weapons School in 2012 on the weapon system Tornado, in Holloman AFB. As an exchange pilot he flew couple years F-16C in the USUnited States Air Force. Between 2020 and 2024 he was Eurofighter Branch Head and Weapons Instructor at the Weapons School.

Current Affairs

The GAFGerman Air Force Weapons School was inaugurated as an independent unit on 1 October 2019. The Commander reports directly to the Commander Flying Units in the Air Force Command.

Numbers, Data, Facts

Zwei Eurofighter und ein A400M fliegen über den Wolken.

guiding principle FIGHT.LEAD.INSTRUCT.

Graduates since commissioning: 30 Current Branches

Planned participants for course 2025: 26



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