Organization of German Air Force
Almost 28,000 soldiers serve in the German Air Force.
German Air Force locations
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Command authorities
The units and offices of the Air Force are structured in two pillars: the Air Force Command and the Air Operations Center. Both are managed by their own command authority, which is subordinate to the Luftwaffe command. All other Air Force departments are subordinate to these areas.
Tactical air force squadrons
The air force has six tactical air force squadrons. Four of them are home to the Eurofighter and two to the Tornado. With their combat aircraft, the squadrons form the aeronautical core of the Air Force.
Air transport unit
Another important task of the Air Force is the worldwide transport of personnel and material. For this purpose, the Air Force uses two air transport squadrons, an air transport group from the helicopter squadron and the flight readiness of the Federal Ministry of Defense.
Training institutions
The Air Force trains its soldiers itself. To this end, it maintains a training battalion, a technical training center, a technical school as well as the officers and non-commissioned officers school of the Air Force.
Tactical Air Command an Control Groups
One of the core tasks of the Air Force is to monitor and secure the airspace. This is done by the two operations command service associations. All large radar displays are subdivided into them, with the help of which the entire German airspace is monitored 24/7.
Ground air defense
Ground-based air defense is part of securing the airspace. The four anti-aircraft missile groups of the Feldlager squadron can use various weapon systems to protect the territory of the Federal Republic from attacks from the air. The anti-aircraft missile group 61 is operationally subordinate to the Defensie Grondgebonden Luchtverdedigingscommando from Vredepeel (NDL). The command of the troops is carried out by the air force command.
Resource Logistics Associations
Existing Air Force equipment is maintained and repaired in the operational logistics department. In addition, new systems are being prepared here for use in the Air Force.
Air Force Command Support Center
The Air Force Command Support Center is the central ITInformationstechnik service provider for the Air Force. The soldiers provide the internal technical communication systems with the help of relocatable ITInformationstechnik components and operate them.
Air Force Protection Regiment Friesland
The Air Force Object Protection Regiment "Friesland" provides worldwide protection for air force-specific locations of the Bundeswehr. The regiment is an integral part of the Air Force's operational mission.
Air Force Center of Aerospace Medicine
All essential tasks of aerospace medicine are bundled in the Air Force Center for Aerospace Medicine. The fields of competence range from research and science to assessment and training to the specialist service management of the flight surgeons.
Offices abroad
Air Force pilots and anti-aircraft missile personnel come to stations in the United States during their training. There they are trained and further educated in foreign units.