Auf dem Bild ist das Wappen des Luftfahrtamt der Bundeswehr zu sehen.

Division 3

Division 3 controls and monitors all flight operation matters and other related topics.

Flight Operation Matters

Division 3 controls and monitors all flight operation matters and other related topics. Besides the responsibility for and assistance in flight operations policies/regulations, this also includes the regulation and standardization of the entire military flight operations in Germany, including the definition of standardization principles, and conducting standardization visits. The division also assumes the function as control and planning authority for human factors, i.e. +the human influencing parameter, within Bundeswehr flight operations.

Furthermore, Division 3 is responsible for the regulatory foundations of the air mission control service that is comprised of the

  • military air traffic service,
  • tactical air command and control service, and
  • joint fire support (JFSFrench Ship),

as well as the aeronautical information service as another component in operational and technical respect.

In addition, military flight operations are monitored by means of a central database. In case of incidents, the Division assists in the associated evaluation, and it also operates a telephone hotline for the German population. Division 3 provides advice to industry and local authorities, and prepares position papers for construction projects—onshore wind power plants to be erected within the military area of interest, in particular—and points out approaches to solutions in cases of conflict. The Division has further responsibility in the specification of principles to ensure geospatial and environmental information support for and during flight operations, the performance and implementation of statutory protective tasks, fire protection of Bundeswehr flight operations, transportation of hazardous goods in military flight operations, aviation security, and military search and rescue service (milSAR).

Flight Operations

Branch 3 I “Flight Operations” prepares the basic regulations of flight operations, runs the Bundeswehr Flight Operations and Information Center, conducts aviation standardization within the Bundeswehr, and is the control authority for human factors. In addition, the Branch provides geospatial and environmental expertise to the Office.

The “Flight Operations Principles” Section is tasked with elaborating and issuing general and mission-related flight operations regulations for manned and unmanned aircraft as well as granting exemptions to existing provisions and regulations for flight operations. Furthermore, flight operations protection zones around intensely radiating electromagnetic sources are calculated.

The Flight Operations and Information Center monitors, examines and archives data on military flight movements. It is, thus, capable of verifying the correct application of flight operations provisions, and providing tailored information on military flight operations to citizens, politicians and authorities.

The “Standardization” Technical Section is responsible for aviation standardization, and as control and planning authority it is also responsible for human factors within Bundeswehr flight operations. Furthermore, the Section manages proposals for the amendment of aviation regulations, and ensures the quality management of flight operations.

Key issues of the “Geoinformation Matters” Section are the preparation of principles for pilot briefings and weather observation for Bundeswehr flight operations, as well as geoinformation support in the field of navigational and simulation data for Bundeswehr airborne weapon systems.

Flight Support

Branch 3 II “Support” has two liaison offices and five sections. Both the German Military Aviation Authority and the civil Federal Supervisory Authority for Air Navigation Services have been notified towards the European Commission as national supervising authorities for air traffic control. On the basis of an agreement concluded between the two offices, a corporate liaison office is run to ensure close technical cooperation and account for the idea of harmonizing safety supervision, in particular. For the purpose of preparing, coordinating and cooperating in the determination of the German military viewpoints with regard to the air traffic management within NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization, EU (including EDAEuropäische Verteidigungsagentur), and EUROCONTROL as well as further international organizations (EASAEuropäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit, ICAO etc.), the German Military Aviation Authority runs a liaison office located at the EUROCONTROL headquarters in Brussels.

Based on European provisions and standards, Section 3 II a assumes the task of performing safety supervision of the air mission control service in close coordination with the normative sections. The major tasks include technical and operational testing of systems prior to releasing them for operation—even in case of modifications to these systems. Thus, the Section ensures the provision of safe processes and systems to support the military air traffic in Germany and in missions outside of Germany. The requirements for the air mission control service providers specified within the scope of a quality and safety management system are described there, and verified in coordination with the Division 4 experts at regular intervals. The “Regulation Air Traffic Control/Flight Dispatch Services” Section is responsible for the preparation of technical provisions with regard to the organization, operation and air traffic service systems of the military air traffic service. This includes the management of regulations, e.g. for permission and testing as well as initial and follow-on training of air traffic services personnel.

The “Tactical Control Service Regulation” Section is responsible for the specification of standards in the provision and performance of services to support the operational air traffic by the tactical control service and the joint fire support (JFSFrench Ship).

In addition, the Section prepares specifications for the operation of technical systems within the tactical air command and control service.

The responsibility of the basic regulation of aviation security within military flight operations rests with another Section having the subject area of aviation security.

With respect to the use of the commercial airlift capacity, the Section is also responsible for the basic regulation related to the implementation of relevant provisions for civil aviation (EU regulations and the Act on Aviation Security). The Section is the highest supervisory authority within the subject area of aviation security for the business area of the German Federal Ministry of Defense. Recognitions, authorizations and licensing as quality assuring activities are carried out either by the German Military Aviation Authority itself or within the scope of the safe supply chain for the logistic system of the Bundeswehr in cooperation with the Bundeswehr Logistics Command in coordination with the German Military Aviation Authority.

The “Statutory Protective Tasks” subject area cooperates closely with the German Federal Office of Bundeswehr Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services. In this respect, it provides the technical expertise for flight operations, and contributes to the preparation of regulations within the scope of statutory protective tasks. In addition, the subject area provides pertinent advice to the Office command. Moreover, the functions of Occupational Safety Officer and Fire Protection Officer of the Office are assumed by personnel of this Section.

The “Infrastructure” Section evaluates construction projects with regard to military flight operations, and represents these towards the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services as sponsor of public interests. For this purpose, the staff of the Section prepare position papers for the competent approving bodies in the context of construction projects of wind power plants (onshore) within the area of military interest (Bundeswehr and allied armed forces), and are closely involved in providing advice to and resolving conflicts with industry and local authorities. Further tasks include the request of obstacle lighting according to local conditions, and the evaluation of radar and navigational interferences of military flight operations in accordance with Article 18a of the Aviation Act. Furthermore, the Section is responsible for the preparation of position papers on any construction measures with regard to construction safety at military airfields in accordance with both national and international regulations.

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