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Division 2

As per the provisions of the Aviation Act, aircraft may only fly inside German airspace when they have been certified...


As per the provisions of the Aviation Act, aircraft may only fly inside German airspace when they have been certified for this purpose. Besides airplanes and helicopters, this also applies to unmanned aerial vehicles, and, likewise, to military aircraft.

However, the national Aviation Act takes into account the Bundeswehr-specific issues in this respect, and provides appropriate options for deviation. The Bundeswehr has issued its own administrative regulations in order to manage these deviations.

Type certification is required for each new or modified type of aircraft or aeronautical equipment. For this purpose, the specific underlying design and/or construction is verified for airworthiness.

An essential part of type certification is type testing that serves to officially verify the airworthiness of an aircraft or equipment type. On this basis, airworthiness may be granted to each single production unit of the respective type when the individual demonstration of airworthiness of this aircraft, aeronautical equipment or supplementary equipment is available, i.e. when the aircraft complies with the applicable design regulations and/or operating instructions.

In general, this principle applies to any kind of aeronautical equipment whose airworthiness is to be demonstrated. But also when equipment, which is often used commonly in various types of aircraft, is newly introduced or modified, must Division 2 staff verify whether the operation of this equipment would impair airworthiness.

Type testing is carried out by specifically trained and licensed inspection personnel. This personnel also defines the scope and criteria for testing so that respective type certification may be granted in conclusion. In this process, the scope and criteria of the so-called compliance demonstration are oriented towards the safety level in civil aviation.

Besides type testing and type certification, Division 2 of the Federal Office for Military Aviation is also responsible for granting flight certifications to all Bundeswehr aircraft.

Furthermore, the functional area of Division 2 also includes the task as central report post of the Office for unsatisfactory reports received from the Bundeswehr flight operations as well as the special task of non-destructive materials testing for aeronautical equipment in the Bundeswehr.

Thus, all competences and responsibilities in the area of military licensing of the Bundeswehr have been combined within Division 2 of the German Military Aviation Authority.

Focus on type inspectors of Division 2—the way to become a type inspector:

The basic prerequisite for the training to become a type inspector at the Federal Office for Military Aviation is a technical course of study completed successfully.

As instructed by the “Certification” Division, the training, which takes four years in general, is carried out on the basis of a training plan. For this purpose, the prospect type inspectors are attended throughout their training by experienced type inspectors acting as mentors, and are gradually involved in the projects.

At the same time, theoretical training is carried out by means of various internal and external courses and workshops. When all demonstrations for the qualification required have been provided, the training will be completed by obtaining the type inspection license. The associated high responsibility is rewarded by paying a bonus.

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