Division 1
Division 1
Strategy, Policy Matters, Rulemaking and Common Tasks
The interdisciplinary tasks of Division 1 include, among others, the preparation, agreement, and coordination of aviation-related regulations and arrangements in cooperation with the military and civilian elements. Furthermore, it is the Division’s responsibility to agree and hold strategic positions in both national and international committees and organizations, such as NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and EU, in order to further develop matters of military aviation.
Division 1 of the German Military Aviation Authority is comprised of five sections whose names include the shortcuts of 1a through 1e.
Planning and Strategy
Section 1a “Planning and Strategy” develops strategic positions of the Federal Office, evaluates and coordinates policy matters in both national and international collaborations, prepares concepts for the implementation of strategic provisions within the Federal Office, and processes common task cases of interdisciplinary general significance.
For example, Section 1a evaluates the future developments that accrue within the scope of the EU initiative “Single European Sky” (SESSchnelle Einsatzkräfte Sanitätsdienst), and coordinates technical expertise as an active contribution to these developments. Strategic positions are held in committees with organizations such as the European Defense Agency (EDAEuropäische Verteidigungsagentur), the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASAEuropäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit), NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization, and EUROCONTROL, and mutual positions are prepared and co-determined. This enables strategic foresight to help shape future developments for the benefit of military and safe aviation. Hence, the Section “Planning and Strategy” makes a contribution to preserving the military airspace users’ unlimited access to the shared airspace by maintaining or even improving aviation safety.
Moreover, the close cooperation performed at all levels, i.e. national, international, military, and civil, forms the basis for harmonizing arrangements and improving the interoperability of military and civil aviation as well as Germany’s military aviation and the one of its partner nations.
Airworthiness Verification and Certification Policy Matters
The main task of Section 1b is to create and update general provisions with regard to verification and certification policy matters for Bundeswehr aircraft, aeronautical equipment, and supplementary equipment. This includes the preparation of policies and concepts relevant for certification, as well as the preparation, adaptation, and further development of the associated regulations. If required, special arrangements will be published to resolve special issues.
In this instance, cooperation and harmonization are implemented on both national and international levels. In particular, it must be mentioned that the Section attends to the German interests within the scope of the European Defense Agency (EDAEuropäische Verteidigungsagentur), Military Airworthiness Authorities Forum (MAWA Forum), and the associated advisory groups. For example, the European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMAREuropean Military Airworthiness Requirements) harmonized on a European level are a result of this attendance. Since these requirements are not legally binding, the German Military Airworthiness Requirements (DEMARGerman Military Airworthiness Requirements) were prepared on EMAREuropean Military Airworthiness Requirements basis, and transferred to the national regulatory framework.
Flight Operation Policy Matters
Section 1c controls, coordinates, and makes decisions within the preparation of aviation policy documents, taking into account both national and international developments. As part of this, national and international principles and regulations are considered by evaluating potential impacts on military aviation.
Source regulations that specify the standards for manned and unmanned flight operations and define deviations from the provisions laid down in the Aviation Act as per Article 30 are prepared by staff from the sectors of manned and unmanned flight operations, the tactical and operational air mission control service (tactical air command and control service, and military air traffic service), and the licensing of participants in Bundeswehr flight operations.
This superordinate standardization also forms the foundation for provisions that are implemented in other divisions of the German Military Aviation Authority.
Matters of Aviation Law
Section 1d provides advice to Bundeswehr agencies in legal issues related to military aviation.
The spectrum of these issues ranges from airworthiness verification and certification over licensing of organizations and personnel to issues of flight operations, flight safety and aviation medicine. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Defense, the Section contributes to aviation law legislative procedures and the issuance of pertinent legal ordinances. In addition, it reviews relevant military regulations in terms of aviation law. The Section also assumes or supports the conduct of cases related to aviation law. Moreover, Section 1d decides on requests for granting approvals to build or re-arrange military airfields in Germany.
Furthermore, it performs further aviation authority tasks in accordance with the Aviation Act. This includes decrees issued to protect against hazards posed to air traffic safety, and to ensure the necessary obstacle clearance. In addition, Section 1d manages requests for authorization to erect air traffic obstacles that are subject to an approval process by the aviation authority. This is largely the case with construction cranes.
Implementing Provisions for Technical Operations
By re-assigning the former Section 2 II b to Division 1 as Section 1e effective on 1 December 2019, all competences and responsibilities within the field of military implementing regulation are combined to maintain the airworthiness of Bundeswehr aircraft. The following tasks are assumed within Division 1 now that the Section has been re-assigned.
1. Technical implementation of aviation law requirements and superordinate provisions into procedural principles/regulations for the safe operation of aircraft, aeronautical equipment, and supplementary equipment as the office’s centralized exercise of delegated administrative responsibilities in accordance with Article 30 of the Aviation Act within the sphere of operational responsibility.
2. Technical assistance in the evaluation of international arrangements (for example, EASAEuropäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit) and multinational military arrangements with regard to their impacts on national military regulations/provisions, and the adaptation of the national military provisions required as a consequence of these impacts.
3. Assistance within the scope of providing technical advice to the Chief of Division 1 in the implementation of the European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMAREuropean Military Airworthiness Requirements) relevant to the Division.
4. Preparation and updating of product-independent regulations and standards concerning more than one major organizational element for the technical management of aircraft, aeronautical equipment, and supplementary equipment in flying units, facilities, and agencies.
5. Preparation of foundations for the training in aircraft engineering.
By performing the tasks listed above, Section 1e prepares the military rules of procedure and operating instructions as well as the basic implementing provisions for the training of aircraft engineering personnel, regardless whether it is a matter of the DEMARGerman Military Airworthiness Requirements regulatory framework based on the EASAEuropäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit regulations, or A1-1525 that describes the former airworthiness verification and certification system of aircraft, aeronautical equipment and supplementary equipment.