Terms and Conditions German Joint Forces Command
The web presence of the Bundeswehr Editorial Service comprises the www.bundeswehr.de and www.bmvg.de websites.
Points of Contact
Bundeswehr Telephone Exchange
Tel.: +49 30 2004-0
Citizens’ Helpline
For general queries, call at the local rate:
Mon. – Thurs. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, Fri. 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Tel.: +49 30 1824-24242
E-Mail: info@bundeswehr.org
At the moment, the best way to contact the citizens’ dialogue is by e-mail or using the contact form.
Career Consultations
The career consultant will provide information with regards to voluntary military service and career opportunities in the Bundeswehr.
Free Career Hotline:
+49 800 9800880
Published by
Federal Ministry of Defence
Press Section Chief and Ministry of Defence spokesperson
Michael Stempfle
Stauffenbergstr. 18
10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 1824-22211
Fax: +49 30 1824-22228
E-Mail: poststelle@bmvg.bund.de
E-Mail: poststelle@bmvg-bund.de-mail.de
Edited by
Bundeswehr Editorial Service
Reinhardtstraße 52
10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 886228-2200
Fax: +49 30 886228-2065
E-Mail: redaktionbweingang@bundeswehr.org
Roman Grunwald, Colonel in the General Staff Service and Chief of Bundeswehr Editoral Service
Editorial office of the German Joint Forces Command
Press and information center of the German Joint Forces Command
Kurt-Schumacher-Damm 41
13405 Berlin
E-Mail: OpFueKdoBwPIZDigiMedProd@bundeswehr.org
Editor-in-Cief: Sina Wanninger
BWI GmbHGesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
COO / Shared Service Delivery / Central Operations / Groupware & Application
Business Applications
Rz Strausberg
Prötzeler Chaussee 25
15344 Strausberg
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On the websites of the Bundeswehr and the Federal Ministry of Defence, you will find information on the Bundeswehr and on security policy topics as well as contact information for the press and general public. The web presence is solely intended to provide general information on the tasks and activities of the Bundeswehr and the Ministry. Prior to its initial posting on the web, the information published is routinely prepared and/or checked by the Bundeswehr Editorial Service. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is up to date, accurate, complete, of adequate quality or available at all times. The Bundeswehr does not assume liability for any damage resulting from the use or non-use of the information provided. No liability is accepted for damage caused by computer viruses when information is accessed or downloaded or software installed or used, unless the Bundeswehr has caused such damage intentionally or with gross negligence.
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