Coat of arms of a department

Multinational CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Command Nienburg

With its civil-military cooperation (CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation) service personnel, the Bundeswehr has gathered more than 20 years of CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation experience in theatres of operation throughout the world. The establishment of the Multinational CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Command is a logical consequence of increasing multinational cooperation.


The Multinational CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Command (MN CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Cmd) in Nienburg / Weser is the Bundeswehr’s centre of excellence for the CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation specialist task.

In the countries of deployment, CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation forces prepare a civilian situation picture and advise the military commanders on the interactions caused by military and civilian action and the expected consequences for the conduct and planning of operations. They liaise with the population, the government, and international organisations. To fulfil these tasks, 100 CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Battalion was established in Nienburg in 2003, and since then has been reorganised several times: In 2006, it was transformed into the CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Centre, in 2013 into the Bundeswehr Civil-Military Cooperation Centre, and in 2019 into the MN CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Command of today. Every time the agency was renamed, its remit was extended.

The most recent change of name emphasises its central importance within NATO and the EU. In the scope of the Framework Nations Concept, Germany has assumed the role of CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation framework nation. With its tried and tested structures and its extensive international network, the agency in Nienburg is well prepared to accomplish the associated tasks. At present, there are seven multinational billets at the MN CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Cmd. This figure is scheduled to increase to around 40 by 2024.

Approximately 200 military and civilian personnel of the MN CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Command are employed at Clausewitz-Kaserne barracks in Nienburg, with further personnel serving at the Academy for Crisis Management, Emergency Planning and Civil Protection in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, and at the CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Centre of Excellence in The Hague.



  • Colonel Armin Schaus

    Colonel Armin Schaus

    Commander of the Multinational CIMICCivil Military Co-Operation Command Nienburg

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