Faculty of Naval Forces
Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Clausewitz-Kaserne Manteuffelstraße 20 22587 Hamburg
Show directionsBundeswehr Command and Staff College
At the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College, maritime expertise is concentrated at the Faculty of Naval Forces. Its lecturers impart knowledge about the capabilities of naval forces as well as about the structures and tasks of the German Navy in the current security environment.
The lecturers at the Faculty of Naval Forces are experienced naval officers from different specialties, who cover the full spectrum of maritime issues. In addition, international experts contribute to the faculty’s teaching activities.
Aside from being in charge of naval education and training at the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College, the head of the faculty is also the Representative of the Chief of the German Navy. In this capacity, he advocates the Chief’s interests with regard to education and training at the college.
Both future and experienced staff officers can benefit from the faculty’s comprehensive expertise in joint and combined naval warfare. The faculty offers a broad spectrum of initial and follow-on training measures. Topics include the development, employment and value of naval forces as well as the importance and role of maritime areas for Germany’s foreign and security policy and their military strategic dimension.
Students are to understand Germany’s naval forces as an instrument of German foreign and security policy. Considering the employment of naval forces in national and collective defence as well as in international crisis and conflict management, students will then be able to identify development, armament, organisation and training requirements and to devise and control corresponding measures.
Senior officers from other organisational elements are enabled to assess and evaluate the contributions of naval and naval air forces to joint operations.
The Faculty of Naval Forces provides education and training in three fields:
The Faculty of Naval Forces offers education and training primarily to
Faculty of Naval Forces
Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Clausewitz-Kaserne Manteuffelstraße 20 22587 Hamburg
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