Fakultät Einsatz, CIR, SKB
Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Clausewitz-Kaserne Manteuffelstraße 20 22587 Hamburg
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Bundeswehr Command and Staff College
Faculty of Joint Operations/Cyber and Information Domain Service/Joint Support and Enabling Service
As part of the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College, the Faculty of Joint Operations/Cyber and Information Domain Service/Joint Support and Enabling Service (Joint Ops/CyberInfoDS/JSES Fac) brings together expertise for all aspects of operational command and control at the national and multinational level.
The Faculty also imparts knowledge on the wide range of capabilities, tasks and contributions of the Cyber and Information Domain Service as well as the Joint Support and Enabling Service, serving as the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College’s centre of competence for all joint training matters with regard to operational command and control.
Furthermore, with Faculty staff functioning as representatives of the Chief of the German Joint Support and Enabling Service and the Chief of the German Cyber and Information Domain Service, we make sure to represent their respective interests with regard to education and training.
In essence, the Faculty is responsible for providing extensive training on the fundamentals of planning and command and control of joint operations at strategic and operational levels. Among others, this involves operational command and control, military strategy and the planning and command and control procedures for NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization, EUEuropean Union and UNUnited Nations operations.
Besides, the Faculty imparts knowledge on the planning and conduct of national missions and operations and on Germany’s whole-of-government approach to security including the contribution of the Bundeswehr.
In our teaching and training activities, we introduce students to the different tasks and contributions of several areas and organisational elements: reconnaissance and effects, Bundeswehr Geoinformation Affairs, command and control organisation, leadership techniques and information technology, cyber and information operations, civil-military cooperation, joint national and multinational logistics as well as CBRNchemical, biological, radiological, nuclear defence.
Apart from imparting knowledge to our students during seminars, modules, training blocks and study trips, we also provide them with the opportunity to put the acquired knowledge into practice under expert supervision. During a number of different joint exercises, the students are able to further consolidate their skills.
Fakultät Einsatz, CIR, SKB
Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Clausewitz-Kaserne Manteuffelstraße 20 22587 Hamburg
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