
Curriculum Vitae Rear Admiral Ralf Kuchler

Curriculum Vitae Rear Admiral Ralf Kuchler

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Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

Commandant, Bundeswehr Command and Staff College

Rear Admiral Ralf Kuchler, Commandant, Bundeswehr Command and Staff College

Bundeswehr/Christian Gelhausen

Rear Admiral and Commandant

Date of Birth:                7 Novemver 1969
Place of Birth:               Kiel

Military Career

since 31 August 2023    
Commandant of the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College in Hamburg

2021 – 2023    
Head of Office of the Chief of Defence at the Federal Ministry of Defence in Berlin

2018 – 2021    
Commander, Flotilla 2, Wilhelmshaven

2017 – 2018    
Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, Flotilla 2

2016 – 2017    
Chief of Branch FüSK II 1, Directorate-General for Forces Policy, at the Federal Ministry of Defence / Head of Office of the Director-General for Forces Policy (temporarily)

2013 – 2015    
Military Assistant to the Chief of Defence at the Federal Ministry of Defence in Berlin

2011 – 2013    
Commanding Officer, frigate Hamburg

2009 – 2011    
Assistant Chief of Section, EUEuropean Union Capability Development, and German Military Representative to the NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization Military Committee and the EUEuropean Union in Brussels

2008 – 2009    
Executive Officer, frigate Karlsruhe

2007 – 2008    
Assistant Chief of Branch, Armed Forces Staff VI 2, at the Federal Ministry of Defence in Bonn

2005 – 2007    
Desk Officer, Naval Staff III 1, at the Federal Ministry of Defence in Bonn

2003 – 2005    
Student of the 45th Admiral Staff Officer Course at the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College in Hamburg

2001 – 2003    
Principal Air Defence Officer and Operations Officer, frigate Sachsen

2000 – 2001    
Principal Warfare Officer Underwater, frigate Lübeck 

1999 – 2000    
PEP with the Netherlands: Air Defence course at the Dutch-Belgian School of Operations in Den Helder

1998 – 1999    
PEP with the Netherlands: Officer of the Deck, HNLMSHis/Her Netherlands Majesty's Ship Bloys van Treslong and Navigator, HNLMSHis/Her Netherlands Majesty's Ship Jan van Brakel

Dutch language training at the Federal Office of Languages

1996 – 1998    
ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare Officer and Artillery Officer, destroyer Rommel

1995 – 1996    
Advanced officer training course at the Naval Academy in Mürwik

Second Navigator, destroyer Rommel

1990 – 1994    
Economics and Industrial Engineering studies at the Bundeswehr University Hamburg

Entry into the Bundeswehr, officer training on the sail training ship Gorch Fock and Navy internship, submarine flotilla

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