Assistant chief of branch responsible for economic efficiency analyses: Daniel Burger

Assistant chief of branch responsible for economic efficiency analyses: Daniel Burger

Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

Daniel Burger started his career at BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr as a price negotiator conducting price negotiations with industry for the Air Directorate. With this expertise, he is now responsible for methodical consulting and auditing within the scope of economic efficiency analyses in the Cost Competence Center of Directorate T.

Between beacon projects and open-end contracts

After a period in the private sector, Reserve Captain Burger decided to return to the Bundeswehr. The combination of military knowledge and civilian employment brings with it a wide range of experience. As an economist, Burger now has an eye on the monetary aspects of the office's procurement projects.

Daniel Burger at his workplace

Listening and understanding complex issues – only in this way is it possible for Daniel Burger and his colleagues to provide effective support for project work

Bundeswehr/Dirk Bannert

Before any cash flow measure, it is imperative to carry out an economic efficiency analysis. The personnel in charge of the projects at the Program Organization and the respective directorates therefore turn to the branch to which Burger belongs for assistance in preparing the document. External consulting and support services are also required by the projects in order to ensure the technical content and project work. Burger’s branch also provides support in this area. The spectrum ranges from the A400M transport aircraft, the TLVSTaktisches Luftverteidigungssystem tactical air defense system, the FCASFuture Combat Air System combat aircraft to DEMARGerman Airworthiness Requirements (German Military Airworthiness Requirements) and requests in the context of ITInformationstechnik open-end contracts.

Strict regulations

Economic efficiency in the procurement process of the Bundeswehr has always been an issue. The German Supreme Audit Institution continuously monitors the economical use of budget funds, and the FMOD, as the ministerial executive level, monitors the specialist work and targeted procurement in the project areas. BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr in particular has been and continues to be in the focus of public interest. It is obvious that considering the many different aspects is not an easy task.
Together with his colleagues, Burger supports the work of the projects concerning the topics “cost estimates”, “Continuous Improvement Program of the Bundeswehr” and “economic efficiency analysis”, which requires very diverse competences and a broad understanding. This includes both the monitoring of and compliance with the legal and ministerial framework as well as ensuring functional requirements and performance-specific aspects.

Technical understanding needed

Since the projects address Burger’s branch with the most diverse demands and service contents, its employees’ expertise is also required with regard to technical progress. Burger’s previous military service and his knowledge of weapon systems and individual programs acquired in the defense industry are of great help here. When it comes to methodological support, demands have to be aligned with the mandatory requirements. In the further course of the process, the contractual part, which is to ensure the realization or the satisfaction of the demand, follows with an award procedure.  In this context, it is particularly important to be sure about the exact content of the service catalog, so that the result does meet the requirements. This is a core aspect within the scope of any economic efficiency analysis.

Successful team work

It has turned out to be a good idea that the support for the projects takes place in a team. By working together with the experts in the specialist branches, the subject under consideration is critically scrutinized and specifically elaborated. Burger is part of a team that is able to contribute the required competencies in the best possible way with the individual focal points. The team sees itself as a supporter for the internal customers and is very keen to keep the bureaucratically necessary processes as lean as possible. The speedy meeting of requirements is the focus of an appropriate economic efficiency study by the experts of the branch. In addition to the work with the projects, this also includes the coordination with the corresponding branches in the FMOD and BAIUDBwBundesamt für Infrastruktur, Umweltschutz und Dienstleistungen der Bundeswehr. Burger‘s work is so versatile because of the diverse tasks.  "Even though I have been working for the Bundeswehr for many years now and have seen a lot, I learn something new almost every day and can contribute in many areas.“

“The Bundeswehr was my first employer and will most likely be my last.”

"I started as a soldier and I got to know the Bundeswehr with its constitutional, military mission. Now I am part of the civilian administration and make my professional contribution to ensuring high-quality equipment for our armed forces – from an economic point of view. Both requires a great deal of responsibility from the person carrying out the work, but as a team it is a great and solvable task.“

Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

6 Questions to Daniel Burger

Assistant chief of branch responsible for economic efficiency analyses

What does your desk look like?

My desk is becoming increasingly paperless. The bulk of the work can be done purely digitally. Nevertheless, it is good that there is often no way around personal exchange. In addition, unfortunately, digitalization does not automatically mean that things become much easier. In addition to the various programs and data sources, documentation, filing and internal coordination with colleagues are crucial for efficient work. For example, everything must be stored where it can be retrieved and professionally processed.

What person do you most admire?

Whom I admire the most is my family. My Munich-Koblenz weekend commuting is a particular burden for them, too. With their backing and support only am I able to do a good job here at the office. Even if the employer offers a lot in terms of reconciling family and job, my family at home still makes the most admirable contribution.

What character traits do you like best in other people?

What I value most in people is a balanced combination of commitment and the ability to listen and to see the overall picture. As civil servants, we are all committed to the proper observance of law and justice; however, in some places, there is room for interpretation and discretion. You should make use of that to the benefit of the cause instead of satisfying yourself with the lowest common denominator.

What do you not like at all?

Life is too short and the tasks are often very complex and time-consuming, therefore I do not want to “work for the garbage can”. I hate to realize that my work was in vain and I could have saved myself the effort. Especially in the administration, the success of your performance is hardly or only indirectly visible. Since I still want to make a meaningful contribution, I cannot stand it if, after work, I have the feeling that I should have stayed in bed that day.

Is there anything you cannot say “no” to?

A cozy evening with family and friends cannot be outweighed by money. That is an offer I cannot refuse and I am happy about every opportunity to spend time with nice people over a good meal.

What are you looking forward to most when you go to work in the morning?

I am lucky that I can cycle from my commuter apartment in the old town of Koblenz along the river Moselle to work. Admittedly, the dark winter days and rain showers are no joy, but once I have revved up my circulation after this trip in the fresh air, the first coffee in the office tastes twice as good. In my branch, the team spirit is also very good. Many civilian and military colleagues work together in a team according to the four-eye-principle. This means that we all support each other professionally.

Other people in the AINAusrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung Organization