The new VRVirtuelle Realität studio at the Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center
The new VRVirtuelle Realität studio at the Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center
Sergeant Major Dirk Arenz goes straight to work and tests the functions of the new studio thoroughly.
Bundeswehr/Maximilian Maiwald -
The camera robots ensure optimum production quality through automation
Bundeswehr/Maximilian Maiwald -
Sergeant Major Dirk Arenz has been producing videos at the Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center for many years. The handover of the new studio provides the media specialists with completely new possibilities for their work.
Bundeswehr/Maximilian Maiwald -
The four main operational functional areas are set up in the “control room area”: graphics, sound, image engineering/mixing and automation with the appropriate operator, measuring and monitoring technology.
Bundeswehr/Maximilian Maiwald -
No curvature and no shadows due to perfect lighting. Different “back walls” can be displayed on the green screen. This effect is known from news broadcasts
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Lieutenant Colonel Kai Marquardt (left), responsible branch chief at BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr, and Matthias Wobbermin (right) hand over the studio to the Commander of the Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center, Colonel Dr. Stefan Gruhl, in a symbolic gesture.
Bundeswehr/Maximilian Maiwald
The media forces of the Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center receive new TV and video technology.