Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center receives first virtual reality video studio
Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center receives first virtual reality video studio
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The use of mass media to reach approved target audiences is a sub-capability of Bundeswehr Operational Communication. But how do you reach the target audience these days? TV reports and videos, which are increasingly being streamed via the Internet, are of key significance here. In the future, these products will be produced by the media specialists at the Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center (Zentrum Operative Kommunikation der Bundeswehr - ZOpKomBw Zentrum Operative Kommunikation der Bundeswehr) in a new virtual reality (VRVirtuelle Realität) video studio.

The new studio can compete with civilian video and TV production facilities in every respect. The wide range of new possibilities offer us completely new opportunities in front of and behind the camera.
The handover of the VRVirtuelle Realität studio to ZOpKomBw Zentrum Operative Kommunikation der Bundeswehr by BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr opens up completely new possibilities in moving image production. “In the virtual studio we are able to control three cameras via a robotics system. The virtual system enables extreme photorealism and an outstanding production performance,” Sergeant Major Dirk Arenz states happily. “We are now able to achieve maximum interaction between the presenter and the virtuality in the video production.” In the future, the soldier will work with the system, which is state of the art.
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For example, the camera robots can be programmed to follow the presenters at specific distances and angles. Images or videos, so-called “back walls” are displayed on the six by six meters green area as required by the respective situation. The whole set-up is comparable to the features known from news broadcasts. The four main operational functional areas are set up in the “control room area”, which is connected to the studio: graphics, sound, image engineering/mixing and automation with the appropriate operator, measuring and monitoring technology. This is where the most advanced real-time VRVirtuelle Realität system technology currently available on the market comes into play.
Handover ceremony at ZOpKomBw Zentrum Operative Kommunikation der Bundeswehr
The handover at the Oberst Hauschild Barracks marks the beginning of an important new chapter for media technology in the Bundeswehr. Colonel (GSGesetzliche Schutzaufgaben) Dr. Stefan Gruhl, commander of ZOpKomBw Zentrum Operative Kommunikation der Bundeswehr, acknowledged the excellent cooperation between all participants in his speech.

Lieutenant Colonel Kai Marquardt (left), responsible branch chief at BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr, and Matthias Wobbermin (right) hand over the studio to the Commander of the Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center, Colonel Dr. Stefan Gruhl, in a symbolic gesture.
Bundeswehr/Maximilian Maiwald
Brigitte Eisenbürger ensured that everything ran smoothly behind the scenes. The administrative assistant works in the responsible contract team at BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr and commissioned the necessary work.
Bundeswehr/Maximilian MaiwaldThe project management at the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr) faced various challenges during the realization of the project. Among other things, so-called partial regenerations of the old studio and conversion measures were planned and implemented. Shortly before the handover it became particularly tricky: “The entire studio had to be moved to another building and put into operation there within only three months due to short-term changes in planning,” explains Matthias Wobbermin. The experienced desk officer from BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr also managed this task in part during ongoing operation. Simultaneously, the staff was familiarized with the new system.
With the new video studio technology at ZOpKomBw Zentrum Operative Kommunikation der Bundeswehr, the age of virtual and augmented reality has arrived in the field of Bundeswehr media technology. In the coming years, this technology will certainly be implemented in additional central production facilities of the Bundeswehr.
The new VRVirtuelle Realität studio at the Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center
The media forces of the Bundeswehr Operational Communication Center receive new TV and video technology.