Information on Bundeswehr E-Tendering

Following the modernization of procurement law, Bundeswehr agencies are now increasingly processing tenders completely electronically. Here you will learn more about how to submit tenders using the e-tendering platform and how you can benefit from e-tendering.

Competitive Tendering via the Electronic Tendering Platform

Company representatives can find a complete overview of all current contract notices on the e-Tendering Platform of the Federal Government. This website is provided by the procurement office of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community. The website is free of charge and is the first source of information you should go to if you seek information on published electronic tenders.

Within the scope of application of the Regulation on the Award of Public Contracts (Verordnung über die Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge, VgVVergabeverordnung über die Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge), it has been mandatory since 18. April 2017 to use the e-Tendering Platform of the Federal Government for participating in contract award procedures for “civilian” supplies/services initiated by central procurement agencies. Within the scope of application of the Regulation on the Award of Below-Threshold Contracts (Unterschwellenvergabeordnung, UVgOUnterschwellenvergabeordnung), the e-Tendering Platform of the Federal Government could be used for participating in contract award procedures for “civilian” supplies/services initiated by central procurement agencies as of 1 January 2019. The obligation to do so was introduced on 1 January 2020.

For defense- and security-related supplies/services - irrespective of whether they fall within the scope of the Regulation on the Award of Public Contracts in the Fields of Defense and Security (Vergabeverordnung Verteidigung und Sicherheit, VSVgVVergabeverordnung Verteidigung und Sicherheit) or under § 51 of the Regulation on the Award of Below-Threshold Contracts (Unterschwellenvergabeordnung, UVgOUnterschwellenvergabeordnung) - the customer already has the option, but still no legal obligation, to choose encrypted electronic communication for the contract award procedure.

More Information about e-Tendering

All information about electronic tendering can be found on the information server of the e-Tendering Platform of the Federal Government. 

Link to the information server of the e-Tendering Platform of the Federal Government

What Advantages does e-Tendering Present to Companies?

  • If you are a registered user, you can submit your tenders electronically. 
  • You have the possibility to communicate with the contracting agency electronically and to put forward questions. 
  • As a registered user, you will immediately be notified electronically of any changes to the respective notice. 
  • The e-Tendering Platform incorporates comprehensive security precautions for secure data traffic. Your confidential information, your communication and your tenders are protected at all times and transferred to the contracting agency in encrypted format.
  • E-tendering saves both time and money. It is no longer necessary for you to print out a wide range of contract award documents and bids and to send them per mail. 
  • The seamless digital documentation of all steps along the way makes tendering processes more transparent.

Additional Information

For information, please also refer to the following publication platforms on which BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr is not represented as a contracting agency, however:

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