Contact data for companies

Contact data for companies

Responsibilities at BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr

The following table gives you information about the responsibilities of the BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr directorates. You can select the applicable directorate in the first drop-down list of the contact form below. If you are unsure which is the appropriate directorate for your inquiry, please select “General inquiry”.


Full name

Area of responsibility

J - J1

Legal Affairs Staff – J1

Legal Issues concerning Procurement Procedures or Fundamental Questions on Public Procurement Law


Complex Services/Purchasing

Purchasing of spare parts for weapon systems, procurement of common commercial off-the-shelf goods and services


ITInformationstechnik Support

Software maintenance and modification for existing technical information systems, implementation of the SASPFStandard-Anwendungs-Software-Produkt-Familien project (Standard Application Software Product Families), including in-service and product management, transfer of existing systems in use to SASPFStandard-Anwendungs-Software-Produkt-Familien


Information Technology

Mission-related ITInformationstechnik systems (communication systems, command and control systems), ITInformationstechnik-specific tasks (ITInformationstechnik security, cyber defense technology, ITInformationstechnik standards and ITInformationstechnik conformity)



Combat and transport vehicles, artillery weapon systems, air defense systems, infantry weapons, antitank systems, missiles, engineer munitions, mine detection and clearing systems, bridges and crossing equipment



Fighter jets, transport and special aircraft, helicopter systems, rescue and protection systems for aircrews, tactical drones, space-based reconnaissance systems



Surface units, subsurface units, support units and auxiliaries, unmanned vessels


Common Technical, Logistic and Economic Activities

Logistics, protection activities, overall coordination of R&T, cost competence center, price auditing, disposal, scientific collection of defense engineering specimens (WTSWehrtechnische Studiensammlung)


Land Support

In-theater accommodation systems (including camp technology and camp protection), soldiers’ personal equipment (soldier system), reconnaissance and electronic warfare systems, training and simulation systems

ZAZentrale Angelegenheiten

Central Affairs

Organization, security, internal services and finance, ITInformationstechnik service, personnel management, technical information center

ZtQZentrum für technisches Qualitätsmanagement

Technical Quality Management Center

Quality assurance tasks carried out by the regional offices (Bundeswehr GQA Offices) of the districts North, Central Germany and South, policy matters concerning technical quality management; cooperation in national/international quality assurance bodies


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