Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support
Branch T 1.6 Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Strasse 1 56073 Koblenz
Potential for innovation must be identified at an early stage and must be assessed for its relevance and the chances of successful implementation for the Bundeswehr.
Concept Development and Experimentation (CD&EConcept Development and Experimentation) is a method which serves to identify potential for innovation at an early stage and assess its relevance and chances of successful implementation for the Bundeswehr. The method examines innovative ideas for their potential benefit for Bundeswehr operations in an iterative process of constant interaction between concept development and experimentation.
Such ideas may originate from all spheres of the Bundeswehr, the research community and industry. They may result from the systematic evaluation of the lessons learned from military operations and exercises, from other CD&EConcept Development and Experimentation programs such as NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization programs, or they may be the result of technological progress.
The armaments organization is actively involved in the Concept Development and Experimentation process within the scope of its responsibilities and facilitates dialogue with the defense industry and the academic and research communities, in particular.
Conceptual ideas for CD&EConcept Development and Experimentation analysis must not be mistaken for proposals on Research and Technology (R&T) projects: CD&EConcept Development and Experimentation analyzes processes and structures of the armed forces which are facilitated by new technological possibilities. It is primarily interested in capability gaps and options to fill those gaps.
The submission of a conceptual idea by representatives from the research or industry sector requires a formal application.
The application form may be downloaded here.
Form for Representatives from Research and Industry - german version (PDF, 548.3 KB)
Proposals for Concept Development and Experimentation are received and processed by Branch T 1.6 of the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support.
Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support
Branch T 1.6 Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Strasse 1 56073 Koblenz