Modular system for a quick and flexible response to pandemics and epidemics
Modular system for a quick and flexible response to pandemics and epidemics
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"Military Modular Multipurpose Epidemic/Pandemic Stockpiling" (M3-EPS) is an innovative modular concept for the stockpiling and management of medical materiel that was developed as a NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and EUEuropean Union cooperation to support military medical treatment facilities in the areas of operations and civilian hospitals.
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- © Bundeswehr
Calculator, a core element
Another essential component of the stockpiling concept is a calculator that can reckon effectively and quickly required materiel quantities by using a calculation method.
Not only the module required, the number of patients, and the duration of treatment can be selected, from which a calculator calculates exactly the specific order quantities. Also the qualified storage area required for stockpiling for further waves of the COVID-19Coronavirus Disease 2019 or other pandemics/epidemics can be estimated. This enables estimations with regard to long-term stockpiling concepts.
The concept has already been shared with NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and EUEuropean Union and many member nations. Initial procurements for, inter alia, the NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization operation plan "Allied Hand" or the European Battlegroup (EUEuropean Union BG) have already been realised by reference to this concept.
Beside exercise "Resilient Response 2020", "M3-EPS" is the second successfully implemented project.