Medical Service

MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command provides recognized medical situation picture for evacuation missions

MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command provides recognized medical situation picture for evacuation missions

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The coordination body for NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and EUEuropean Union medical services compiles information on crisis health care in the event of attacks during evacuations, as in Afghanistan, into an overall situation picture. In addition to Germany, other countries such as Belgium, Denmark, the United Kingdom and the United States evacuated with at least 150 multinational military medical forces, in Kabul and the surrounding area.

A map of Afghanistan lies on a table

Since the end of the NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization mission Resolute Support on June 31, 2021, no common data of NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization countries on the current situation on the ground is available anymore

Bundeswehr/Rico Maderthoner

In mobile field hospitals, emergency medical and emergency surgical treatment could be provided and patients could receive temporary intensive medical care. Depending on the evacuating nation and severity council, injured or wounded individuals could receive civilian care for further treatment in the surrounding countries of Afghanistan or be transferred directly to the home country.

Civil-military interface and service provider

Soldiers sit in a room and look at a screen

As a medical situational awareness tool, the MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command uses the Medical Situation Centre, the collection point for global civilian and military medical data

Bundeswehr/Rico Maderthoner

Since the termination of NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization's Resolute Support mission on June 31, 2021, no common data is available from NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization countries on the current situation on the ground. The request of Belgium as one of the 18 member nations of the department in Koblenz at the same time justifies the takeover of the mission. As a supranational service provider, the innovative cooperation project of NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and the EUEuropean Union is also responsible for supporting individual countries in medical matters and works here not least as a civil-military link.

Support for NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and member nations

A soldier sitting at a table looks at a screen

The Director of NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs, Colonel Juergen Muntenaar, gets an update on the current state of information.

Bundeswehr/Rico Maderthoner

"I am pleased that we can support with our work not only Belgium, as our member nation, but likewise NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and other partners and that we can make our contribution to the success of the evacuation missions of the individual nations." Colonel Jürgen Muntenaar, Dutch exchange officer and MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command Deputy Director for NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs, is proud of the work done by his team.

As a vehicle for fulfilling its mission of medical situational awareness, the MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command uses the Medical Situation Centre, the collection point for global civilian and military medical data, for this purpose.

by Rico Maderthoner

Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

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