Medical Service

Certification exercise REMI 2021 takes shape

Certification exercise REMI 2021 takes shape

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Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

The Multinational Medical Coordination Centre/European Medical Command (MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command) in Koblenz reaches the next milestone towards the main event in November.

A soldier sits in front of his PC, pointing with a pen on his screen while explaining something.

Head planner Lieutenant Colonel Andreas Godau explains the current planning-state to the parcitipants of the excercise Resilient Medical Interface (REMI) 2021, taking place in November 2021

Bundeswehr/Michael Laymann

The framework has been set since February. During a structured planning conference carried out per VTC from 26 to 28 April, the planning team around Lieutenant Colonel Andreas Godau and the participants filled with life the scenario already introduced in February. "One of the future core tasks of MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command will be civil-military cooperation in cross-border crisis management, in particular with the organisations and institutions of NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and the EUEuropean Union nations and establishments." With these words, the Director MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command, Brigadier Dr Stefan Kowitz, at the same time describes the framework of the exercise.

Together with its member nations, MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command as coordination element of NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and EUEuropean Union will demonstrate its capabilities. In November 2021, the MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command team in Koblenz to this end will play through and test the different processes of medical crisis response with the participating nations and the responsible EUEuropean Union/NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization establishments during the exercise that will be a hybrid one. During the three days of exercise REMI 21, the coordination and support services of MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command will be examined by means of various individual tasks to be accomplished.

Certification for an emergency

Events of different levels of intensity will be simulated for the respective individual tasks, either individually, or in an interconnected or progressive fashion. The range will extend from responding to the dissemination of a biological agent to disaster assistance in the event of an earthquake. "For us, a particular focus lies on the issue of medical protection against nuclear, biological and chemical threats (CBRNchemical, biological, radiological, nuclear medical defence) and the coordination of strategic medical evacuation," the Director MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command elaborates on the numerous tasks of his organisation.

The aim is multinational cooperation and the identification of potential

The main focus of the exercise will be on the cooperation with the numerous civilian and military points of contact from the meanwhile wide international network. The aim, however, will also be to identify potential that still exists to enhance and improve the portfolio of the multinational hub for medical civil-military cooperation and expertise.

by Rico Maderthoner

Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

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