
The VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force Puma armoured infantry fighting vehicle - a new age for armoured infantry

It has been a long way to tactical combat capability. In its VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force version, the Puma AIFV bares its claws.

Two VJTF Puma AIFV are driving in a forest.

Technological quantum leap in combat

The Puma Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle and the Future Infantryman - Enhanced System merge to become the Armoured Infantry System for NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force ). The armoured infantry forces have gone digital, with networks among themselves, in their fighting vehicles and with the environment. The Puma AIFV has taken, and is still taking, a long way to the field units.

A camouflaged armoured fighting vehicle is driving fast; dust is being whirled up.

First fielded in 2015, the Puma AIFV will successively replace its predecessor, the Marder AIFV.

Bundeswehr/Marco Dorow

The operational suitability testing in July 2020 revealed substantial deficiencies in the Puma AIFV severely curtailing the system’s capabilities. At that time, it would have been irresponsible to decide in favour of employing the vehicle for VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force . To take things forward, the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support, the Army Concepts and Capabilities Development Centre and the field units have then cooperated with industry closely and in a targeted fashion. During the past six months, it has been possible, despite the considerable time pressure, to significantly modify the Armoured Infantry System with the VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force Puma AIFV. The system's tactical combat capability has now been determined - an essential prerequisite for the decision in favour of employing the Armoured Infantry System for VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force 2023 as part of NRFNATO Response Force from 2022 to 2024. Optical devices, weapon effect and the protection of military personnel have been enhanced even further. Hence, 112 Armoured Infantry Battalion will be able to undergo the planned training and obtain the certification as the German contribution to VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force 2023. More than 250 combat-ready Puma AIFVs will be required to fulfil the commitment to the alliance and national defence.

Operational suitability testing

Military and civilian specialist personnel must cooperate closely in order to achieve the VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force Puma AIFV’s operational suitability. Following unsuccessful field trials in the summer of 2020, the lights after the second operational suitability testing in February 2021 are now at “green”.

The VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force Puma AIFV in detail

  • VJTF Puma camera
    Bundeswehr/Maximilian Schulz


    Beside the driver's forward and backward visibility, the infantry squad has a 360 degree all-round visibility at hand. All views can be displayed as a merged picture from the colour and thermal imaging camera.

  • VJTF Puma AIFV machine cannon
    Bundeswehr/Maximilian Schulz

    Machine cannon

    In terms of armament, the Puma AIFV keeps the finger on the pulse of technology with its unmanned turret and the fully stabilised 30 mm machine cannon. When in motion, it hits targets at a distance of up to 3,000 m.

    Bundeswehr/Maximilian Schulz

    ISRIntelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

    All optical devices, the weapon sights on the turret, the sight systems for the driver and commander and even the all-round sights used by armoured infantry provide colour imaging in addition to the usual infrared and night vision capability. This …

  • VJTF Puma AIFV antennas
    Bundeswehr/Maximilian Schulz

    Radio communications

    The radio links are fully digital and IP based. Both voice data and all other information needed for a fully digital operational picture are transmitted via satellite.

  • VJTF Puma AIFV drive train
    Bundeswehr/Maximilian Schulz

    Drive train

    With a cubic capacity of “only” 11 litres, the engine generates no less than 1,088 hp. In comparison: The Marder AIFV produces 600 hp from 22 litres, and the Leopard MBT as much as 1,500 hp from 47.6 litres of cubic capacity.

    Bundeswehr/Maximilian Schulz

    MELLSMehrrollenfähiges Leichtes LenkflugkörperSystem

    In the VJTFVery High Readiness Joint Task Force 2023 configuration, the MELLSMehrrollenfähiges Leichtes LenkflugkörperSystem light multi-role guided missile system is used. The warhead containing a tandem-shaped charge has an effective range of four kilometres; its trajectory can be corrected until it hits the target.

  • VJTF Puma AIFV protection
    Bundeswehr/Maximilian Schulz


    Among others, crew protection is ensured by reactive armour that can be adapted as required. This means that armour modules can be removed to prepare the vehicle for transport by air and other means of transport. Protective measures are completed …

Capabilities captured in images