Der Schriftzug CERA mit der NATO und Europaflagge dahinter.

The MMCCMultinational Medical Coordination Centre/EMCEuropean Medical Command is a multinational coordinating entity within the field of medical support, facilitating the provision of military operational medical expertise for its participating nations as well as the EUEuropean Union and NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
It offers a platform and network for cooperation with facilities/organisations outside EUEuropean Union and NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization within the framework of civilian emergency. Its aim is to strengthen civil-military medical cooperation and medical resilience.
With this goal in mind, we intend to hold a hybrid workshop in Koblenz from 17 till 19 July 2023 on the following topic: 
"Medical resilience in the field of civil-military cooperation”
The workshop will focus on the possibilities of the cooperation between civilian and military medical enablers and institutions in the event of an Article 5 crisis. It also aims to identify ways of working together more efficiently and effectively in this area. 
Following aspects of civil-military cooperation are on the agenda of the workshop and will be examined and discussed in more detail:
·        coordination and communication between individual medical actors (civ-mil);
·        exchange of civilian/military patients in the area of operations and their home countries;
·        MEDEVAC (cross-border) and patient flow management.
Cooperation and coordination of military and civilian actors in the host country will be in the focus to identify capability gaps and harmonize interaction.
In addition, the strategies of different nations in dealing with such a situation will be discussed using their examples of possible approaches in order to learn from each other and to show best practices.
The workshop itself will take place as an all-day event on July 18 and 19, 2023 and will include both, a series of lectures and syndicate work, on thematic focal points on the individual days. It will now be Due to time constraints, arrival and registration will already take place on late Monday afternoon, July 17, 2023. Given the hosted dinner on Wednesday evening, July 20 is planned as a travel day.
For registration, please use the link below.

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