In Remembrance of the Bundeswehr’s Dead
Those who lost their lives while dutifully performing their service deserve worthy commemoration. They have made the ultimate sacrifice for our society: their lives.

Space for remembrance
While other nations build military cemeteries in remembrance of their personnel, Germany takes a different approach. Here, the deceased return for one last time to their loved ones, who then bring them to their graves. Instead of military cemeteries, the Bundeswehr creates public spaces to commemorate its dead because German servicemen and women are from the middle of society. The Bundeswehr Memorial and the Forest of Remembrance are not about hero worship but above all about respect.
In memory of those in our Bundeswehr who died for peace, justice and freedom
Deaths in the line of duty
No distinction is made based on cause of death among the deceased Bundeswehr personnel whose names are listed on the Bundeswehr Memorial. The deciding factor is the connection between their performance of duty and their death. Overall, the total figures for deaths since the establishment of the Bundeswehr are as follows: