Bundeswehr Ranks and Careers
A hierarchical structure: the Bundeswehr ranks indicate the position of military personnel within the organisation, which armed service or organisational element they belong to and in some cases even their job. The Bundeswehr ranks are divided into three career groups.
Nonrated personnel ranks and careers
They are the foundation of the Bundeswehr and perform a wide variety of tasks. Although the nonrated personnel hold the lowest ranks, a career change within the Bundeswehr is open to them during their tour of duty if they are suitably qualified.
Noncommissioned officer ranks and careers
They are the Bundeswehr’s subject-matter experts or all-rounders: noncommissioned officers have more professional opportunities than any other career group. Noncommissioned officer careers are divided into two different rank categories: junior and senior noncommissioned officers.
Officer ranks and careers
Whether they wear Navy, Army or Air Force uniforms, officers’ careers entail great responsibility. This career group also offers exciting and multifaceted positions. Officers are in command in a wide variety of Bundeswehr areas and fields. And they are more than just „managers in uniform“.
Civilian careers in the Bundeswehr
In addition to different professional opportunities in uniform, the Bundeswehr also offers a wide range of career options in the civilian sector. They range from technician to legal expert. People with different professional backgrounds are welcome in the Bundeswehr.
Voluntary military service in the Bundeswehr
„Trying out the Bundeswehr“: since the suspension of compulsory military service in 2011, voluntary military service has offered interested men and women the opportunity to get to know the armed forces without having to commit to them for a long time.
Basic training
In the three-month basic training, the recruits enter into a new world – they are taught basic military skills. In addition to theoretical foundations, these skills also include handling weapons, life in the field and marching in step.