Women in the Bundeswehr

They fly combat aircraft and helicopters. They jump out of planes and drive tanks. They command naval ships and line companies. Today, it is hard to imagine the Bundeswehr without women. Servicewomen have now made their way into almost every area of what was once a man’s world.

Soldatin des Wachbataillons legt ihre Hand zum Gruß an das Barett, im Hintergrund angetretene Soldaten

Women in the Bundeswehr: made possible by Europe

Until 2001, it seemed impossible. While women were allowed to enlist as volunteers in the Military Music Service or the Medical Service, they were prohibited from serving in combat forces. Only in 2000 did a decision by the European Court of Justice grant them unrestricted access to all military careers. There are now more than 24,000 female soldiers serving in the Bundeswehr – and that number is growing. Women now account for about thirteen percent of the Bundeswehr’s some 182,000 military personnel.

A graphic shows the path taken by women to achieve equality in the Bundeswehr

The Bundeswehr welcomed its first servicewomen in 1975. There are now more than 24.000.


What matters is performance

The Bundeswehr offers women a wide variety of career options. They serve on equal footing with their male counterparts as boat or tank commanders, as doctors or ITInformationstechnik  specialists, both in Germany and on the Bundeswehr’s operations and standby commitments. From marksmanship and marching to leadership – servicewomen have to achieve the same level of performance as servicemen. The Bundeswehr only differentiates between men and women when evaluating athletic performance.

Zahnärztin und ihre Assistentin während einer Behandlung

Whether civilians or in uniform, students or trainees – it is hard to imagine the Bundeswehr without women.

Bundeswehr /Sebastian Wilke

Civilian women in the Bundeswehr

The Bundeswehr offers women not only the opportunity to advance within the forces from nonrated personnel to the highest general ranks, but also many career prospects and opportunities for advancement in the civilian sector of the Bundeswehr. More than 81,000 civilian employees work for the Bundeswehr. Over 31,000 or around 39 percent are female. Female employees and civil servants in the Bundeswehr work as administrative specialists in various parts of the armed forces or the defence administration, as well as engineers for defence technology or biologists and geologists. Today, women are also in charge of the executive levels of defence administration offices and entire major organisational elements.

What civilian status do women employed in the Bundeswehr have?

Total number of civil servants10.502   
       In higher service2.178   
       In higher intermediate service4.372   
       In intermediate service3.931   
       In ordinary service21
In preparatory service or trainees/interns2.049   

Last updated: 31. January 2025

An increasing number of servicewomen

In 2001, there were more than 6,700 servicewomen in the Bundeswehr. Their number has continued to increase since then. Today, about one in five applications for voluntary military service and one in three for officer’s careers come from young women. This trend should continue. What matters is performance – not gender.

Ein Balkendiagramm zeigt die Anzahl der Frauen in der Bundeswehr von 1985 bis 2023

The Bundeswehr shrank. But the number of servicewomen in it increased steadily.


How many women serve in each area?

Servicewomen per armed service/major organisational element 
Air Force2.829
Cyber and Information Domain Service1.464
Joint Support and Enabling Service2.720
Medical Service8.375
Joint Support Service*96
Federal Ministry of Defence and other areas2.811

*The Joint Support Service has been included in this list for the first time. However, this is not a precise representation of personnel levels yet.

What rank do the servicewomen have?

Servicewomen by rank category (including candidates) 
Senior NCOs8.661
Junior NCOs3.433
Rank and file5.622

What status do the servicewomen have?

Servicewomen by status 
Career service member5.452
Temporary-career volunteer17.369
Extended voluntary service conscripts1.992
Extended voluntary service conscripts in Homeland Security29

All three tables last updated: 31. January 2025

They made it – women in the Bundeswehr