GAFGerman Air Force Weapons School
German Air Force Weapons School
The theme of the Weapons School is Fight.Lead.Instruct. The core mission is:
- Train combat ready Weapons Instructors
- Develop and document tactics and verify in realistic scenarios
- Optimize Training
- Support other units with their tactical challenges
- Cooperate with international Weapons Schools
The guiding principles of Weapons Instructors are “humble, approachable, credible “. To achieve credibility and be able to prepare and support units of different weapon systems for combat, trainees will become during the six-month course experts in the following aspects:
- Strengths and weaknesses of potential adversaries,
- Organic and allied capabilities
- Detailed technical knowledge of the own weapon system and associated weapons
- Analytic approach to tactical problems
- Effective teaching and leading
- Integration of Air Force assets
The Weapons Instructor Course is a hand-on training course. Tactics and Lessons should be employed in the weapon system, consolidated, and further developed. With this in mind, the Air Force runs a complex, detailed-planned, and resource-intensive course. The climax and final challenge for the trainees is the biggest national exercise “Baltic Hunter”. In multiple realistic scenarios and with international participation all the knowledge and skills are required to achieve mission success and earn the “Patch”.
Lieutenant Colonel Andreas Neumeister
LTC Neumeister is the commander of the Weapons School and Typhoon Pilot. He graduated from Weapons School in 2012 on the weapon system Tornado, in Holloman AFB. As an exchange pilot he flew couple years F-16C in the USUnited States Air Force. Between 2020 and 2024 he was Eurofighter Branch Head and Weapons Instructor at the Weapons School.
Current Affairs
The GAFGerman Air Force Weapons School was inaugurated as an independent unit on 1 October 2019. The Commander reports directly to the Commander Flying Units in the Air Force Command.
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Contact point for press/media inquiries
Your contact Person at the GAFGerman Air Force Weapons School