AirC2 Emblem

DEUEuropäische Union Air Command & Control Training Centre

NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization-accredited since August 2020

DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center

The German Air Forces’ Air Command and Control Training Centre is part of the German Air Force AirOpsCmd (Air Operation Command) and was established in mid-2013. It has been a NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization-accredited ETF (Education and Training Facility) since August 2020. The Centre’s establishment followed the experiences during NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization Operation Unified Protector and the German Air Force’s commitment to the NRFNATO Response Force 2012, where an insufficient availability of AirC2Air Command and Control SME (Subject Matter Experts) became apparent.

The DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center is listed as a project of the FNCFramework Nations Concept and offers courses, seminars and mobile training according to NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization’s AirC2Air Command and Control training requirements. We offer training which addresses relevant aspects and skills needed for planning and conduct of air operations in a NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization JFACJoint Forces Air Component HQHeadquarters  or comparable AirC2Air Command and Control command elements.

A basic course will provide a common mature understanding of AirC2Air Command and Control. In Germany, all future Air Force Staff Officers (ranks of major and beyond) attend this AirC2Air Command and Control basic course before they start their staff officer training at the German Command and Staff College.

Several advanced courses are tailored to the requirements of the specific divisions of a JFACJoint Forces Air Component HQHeadquarters. Participants will understand how their actions contribute to the successful conduct of an air campaign as part of a joint operation, and they are introduced to standard NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization ITInformationstechnik-tools used for the planning of air operations.

On request and subject to available capacities, the Centre also offers training outside Kalkar through MTTMobile Training Team's (Mobile Training Teams).

Curricula and lessons of the training courses are based on agreed NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization standards, and content is continuously adjusted to incorporate the latest changes in NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization standards and doctrines. Training is offered to all NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and partner nations’ military personnel free of course fees. A continuous QM (Quality Management) warrants a reliable delivery of training to course participants.

What we do and how we intend to further enhance is reflected in our mission and the further vision of the DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center.



Numbers, Data, Facts


participants 350+ participants per year

graduates 2.000+ personnel trained since 2013

courses 25+ courses per year

diversity 7 different courses


The DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center in Kalkar, Germany, offers basic and advanced courses to develop understanding, knowledge and skills of officers and selected NCO (Non-Commissioned Officers) for AirC2Air Command and Control.

On specific request, the Centre is ready to send MTTMobile Training Team's to offer training outside Kalkar and Germany to specific audiences.

As a NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization-accredited ETF, the centre provides training according to agreed NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization standards and procedures to meet the training requirements of NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and national Headquarters in AirC2Air Command and Control.



Our training strictly focuses on organisational structures and processes outlined in NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization concepts and doctrine, and means and processes used in AirC2Air Command and Control entities of the.

Our training is quality-assured to maintain high standards to offer trainings according to NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization nations’ needs and fulfil all criteria for accreditation as NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization ETF.

We provide organisational and administrative services to establish framework conditions which allow training participants to focus on developing knowledge and skills in a well-prepared setting.

We provide and maintain facilities and equipment (including the necessary ITInformationstechnik-hardware and software) that allow effective individual training and seminars.

We focus on delivering on-site training in our training facilities in Kalkar. Additionally, we will continue offering training outside Kalkar with MTTMobile Training Team's as our capacities allow.

Our carefully selected trainers are well educated and experienced; they are highly motivated to share their knowledge and skills.

We are an international team. Our international trainers are fully integrated; they develop, organize and teach individually and together with German colleagues.

We regularly exchange thoughts and experiences with other NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization accredited AirC2Air Command and Control ETF (DACCCDeployable Air Command and Control Centre in Poggio Renatico and AO CoEAir Operation Centre of Excellence/CASPOA in Lyon). This keeps us aligned regarding the delivery of content, and supports sharing ideas and results from structuring of training and use of training methods.

We also maintain close connections to CAOCCombined Air Operations Centre Uedem and to the divisions of the NFS (MNMultinational) JFACJoint Forces Air Component HQHeadquarters established at the German AOC in Kalkar. They support us by providing selected trainers for the specialized areas of expertise shared in our advanced AirC2Air Command and Control modules.



The DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center maintains and extends its reputation as a major and well-appreciated NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization ETF for individual training of all aspects related to AirC2Air Command and Control.

The DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center is committed to further promote knowledge, expertise and the development of AirC2Air Command and Control in NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization.



The team of the DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center will continue offering excellent service and expertise to participants in our training by providing the right training, at the right time, at the right location and as needed by the alliance. As part of NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization's team AirC2Air Command and Control, we stay committed to developing knowledgeable AirC2Air Command and Control SME who have confidence in the tools and processes they use and apply.

Through more international exchange and enhanced cooperation with other NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization nations AirC2Air Command and Control ETF, we will discuss and enhance curricula and identify most-proven methodology for AirC2Air Command and Control training.

We will also strengthen our ties to operational HQHeadquarters across NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization and exchange with conceptual staff and entities to maintain a constant link to best practice experience and upcoming change in the AirC2Air Command and Control environment. This will strengthen our position to contribute our experience and expertise to the efforts to further develop “AirC2Air Command and Control thinking” for AirC2Air Command and Control-related concepts and procedures in NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Additionally, we will

  • further sustain and upgrade as necessary our facilities and classrooms to have a state-of-the-art training environment.
  • work towards having additional advanced courses certified as “NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization approved” in the NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization ETOCEducation and Training Opportunities Catalogue.
  • further enhance our training by collecting and incorporating best practice examples from operations and major exercises.


AirC2Air Command and Control Trainings

All DEU Airmen posted to a national or multinational command post at tactical and/or operational level need to have a comprehensive understanding of AirC2Air Command and Control. In this one-week course, professional instructors teach the basic AirC2Air Command and Control principles and procedures, supplemented with the practical experience of Subject Matter Experts (SME). This course is obligatory for every designated German Air Force Staff Officer and open to a limited number of multinational participants.

These modules aim at AirC2Air Command and Control personnel earmarked for a specific post within a JFACJoint Forces Air Component HQHeadquarters (Joint Forces Air Component Headquarters). These one to two week long courses address each of the five divisions of a JFACJoint Forces Air Component HQHeadquarters and their respective tasks.

Two days compressed joined and combined seminar to present and discuss latest AirC2Air Command and Control related developments at General-/Admiral- level. Participation on invitation Commander Air Component Command only !

Education and Training Opportunities Catalogue

DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center's Training courses can be found via NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization‘s „Education and Training Opportunities Catalogue“ ETOCEducation and Training Opportunities Catalogue (Link) as well. 

  • Start page: ETOCEducation and Training Opportunities Catalogue search
  • click the field behind „Training Institution“




  • The AirC2Air Command and Control Training Centre started operations as embedded entity within AirOpsCmd in July
  • Basic AirC2Air Command and ControlPilot” Course in November
  • First Advanced Module in December


  • New Course: Regular Basic AirC2Air Command and Control Courses
  • Participation obligatory for every designated German Air Force Staff Officer
  • New Courses: Additional AirC2Air Command and Control Advanced Modules developed to train each of the five JFACJoint Forces Air Component divisions as well as the Command Group


  • New Course: AirC2Air Command and Control Introduction Course allow newcomers a first look into AirC2Air Command and Control
  • New Course: AirC2Air Command and Control Seminar for Flag Officers established


  • International participation expanded


  • Major adjustments to the AirC2Air Command and Control Basic Course


  • Cooperation between Finish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT) and the Air Operations Command to prepare DEUEuropäische Union Training Centre’s NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization accreditation


  • Implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS) at DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center
  • Integration of first multinational instructor from Hungary
  • successful Pre-accreditation-audit by FINCENT


  • The DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center is looking forward to host the team from NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization Allied Command Transformation to receive formal accreditation
  • Due to the COVID - 19 pandemic , it was not possible to carry out any training activities in the period from 13th March 2020 to 17th August 2020. In the meantime , modified Basic AirC2Air Command and Control Courses have been started which were shortened by one week as an interim solution to cover the high demand. With the corresponding measures for protection against the corona virus, all other AirC2Air Command and Control courses have now restarted as well .
  • Following the review by Allied Command Transformation (ATCArms Trade Treaty) it is now official and confirmed that by certificate dated 27 th August 2020, the DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center can adorn itself with the predicate of a full NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization accreditation. This huge challenge was accomplished in the first attempt.
  • In the third quarter DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center reached the number of 2000 national and 300 international students trained in total.

How to apply

For participation on one of our courses, please contact:

Air Component Command
DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center
Römerstr. 122
47546 Kalkar

Fon:                 +49 (0)2824-90- 1715                

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