
The weapons instructor course has started

The weapons instructor course has started


Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

The demands on the weapons school are high.“ outlines major general Dr. Jan Kuebart, commander of flying units, air forces command, in his welcoming statement. “This is where experts are trained, who will later act as the pacesetter for operational training in their home units. Weapons Instructors are to lead their personnel and weapon systems in combat during real operations and will provide competent advice to their commanders.„

General Kuebart welcomes the students.

Bundeswehr/Stefan Petersen

This means that the participating Eurofighter Tornado and A400M crews as well as the fighter controllers and officers of the Military Intelligence to the Weapons Instructor Course (WICWeapons Instructor Course) are faced with challenges for which not always common procedures are established yet.

WUGs - Weapons Undergraduates, as the course participants are called - get to know the capabilities and limits of cooperating and opposing systems to assess the the combat. Plan and excecute superior tactics.

Various high-value exercise scenarios are planned over the Course. These include live employment of precision bombs and missiles, major exercises such as „BALTIC HUNTER“ in Laage and a final combined exercise with the Royal Netherland Air Force. For the first time METEOR auto air guided missile tactics are included in a WICWeapons Instructor Course 

Students are in a classrooom. They are welcomed by a soldier.

Bundeswehr/Michael Kötz

“An 8-month high-quality training course for the best“ comments the Chief of Air Force Staff, lieutenant general Ingo Gerhartz, who on that day also insisted on welcoming the WUGs and the assembled Instructors of weapons school an supporting Air Force squadrons.

von René Gutjahr

Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

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